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These are some of the items to implement next:

GitHub support

Ollama support

Additional agents:

  • Slack chatbot agent
  • SWE-bench agent
  • Add tools for GAIA agent
  • CI/CD failure investigation agent

Improvements to the autonomous and code editing agents (a whole roadmap in itself)

Real-time human-in-the-loop which doesn't stop the agent control loop.

Browser push notifications

Additional tools:

  • GMail
  • Google Drive
  • File store
  • Vector store
  • ...

Code review configuration database persistence

UI improvements - Real-time updates of agent state - Edit agent when paused

Postgresql persistence implementation

Web UI authentication:

  • OAuth
  • user/password

Windows support

Prompt/response datasets

Update UI code to support Cloud Run with CPU only allocated during request cycle for scale-to-zero deployments

Refactor the repository to have modular packages (using Nx)